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Paris, windows, cancelations and good times.

We had to lean out the window of our apartment So we could smoke in the winter air Nodding at neighbours doing the same Kate and anthony’s flight out of Paris was canceled So they were staying another night Dinner, wine and dessert And we talked about crushes, communication and guitars No idea how or […]

“It’s hard, but it’s good. And we can.”

5am in London. Can’t sleep. Awoke to find my focus on the ticking clock and variable temperatures of my body in this sleeping bag. Each day has been a time to create new memories for myself, but I’ve had nights in Spain and Berlin where the past has crept back into my thoughts and I’ve […]

Berlin [Intro]

Flight was canceled. But got in via Milan. Hello, Italy! Arrived at Daniela’s place around midnight. Spent the day walking around Alexanderplatz. It was rainy and wet, which wasn’t great. Bought some new socks so I could take my wet ones off. Met up with Andy and drank beer at a football game. He writes […]

Amsterdam / Madrid [in short]

Just a quick post for now. Amsterdam: Dutch artists, wine, no sleep, Lieden, fog, happy, slow to wake up, writing, piano, a cat named Omar, love, futures, building art factories, Bon iver, hash, chance meetings, gin, mantras, bridges, conversation. Madrid: Warm, beautiful buildings, Spanish fire, tapas, “I am sorry, I am Australian”, naval history museum, […]

Sneak peek @ ‘Wintersun’ and Bon Voyage arundel.

So for the next few weeks. I’ll make this a travel blog. What a year. Now European winter awaits me. I leave tomorrow and my bags aren’t packed. But they will be. I have books, socks, shirts and pens. Hopefully enough warm things. Found some thick gloves. Hands will thank me. Not too much to […]